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新闻 & 事件 12bet官方 研究所: Americans are Deferring 医疗保健 Until Tax Refunds Arrive

12bet官方 研究所: Americans are Deferring 医疗保健 Until Tax Refunds Arrive


Report shows 60 percent spike in out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure in the week after tax refunds arrive.

Families with low account balances and limited credit affected most, underscoring previous research on role of liquidity in healthcare access.


今天,12bet官方研究所(12bet官方 研究所)首次发布了一项研究,显示美国家庭正在推迟医疗保健治疗,直到退税到达银行账户,这突显了流动性在刺激获得医疗保健方面的作用. 该报告发现,在收到退税后的一周内,医疗保健支出的总体水平比100天前的典型一周高出60%. 在收到退税后的一周内, out-of-pocket healthcare spending on debit cards increased by 83 percent, 虽然信用卡消费没有抵消变化,但这表明退税提供的现金注入是推动医疗支出行为变化的主要决定因素. 此外, 62 percent of the additional healthcare spending triggered by the tax refund was paid in person at healthcare providers. This means that cash flow dynamics influenced not just when consumers paid for healthcare but also when they received it.

退税政策带来的医疗支出变化,在现金缓冲较低的家庭中表现得更为明显. 支票账户余额最高的五分之一(超过3500美元)的账户持有人在退税到来后只增加了11%的医疗支出, 而最低五分之一(低于536美元)的账户持有人在退税到来后增加了220%的医疗保健支出——支出反应几乎是其规模的20倍.

"We already knew that many families don’t have enough of a cash buffer to cover the cost of a major medical emergency. 现在我们也看到,相当多的美国人推迟去看医生和其他常规医疗服务,直到他们的账户里真的有现金, 即使他们知道它即将到来,” Diana Farrell, President and CEO, 12bet官方 研究所.“除了是一个主要的个人理财问题, this link between healthcare and cash flow could have significant consequences for public health. We need to better understand the connection between financial health and physical health, including evaluating the consequences of deferring care while waiting for cash to arrive."

这份报告, Deferred Care: How Tax Refunds Enable 医疗保健 支出, shows that families consistently delay healthcare payments until they receive tax refund payments, even though once they file they know how much to expect. 的 report leverages data on daily healthcare spending for 1.200万支票账户持有人 12bet官方 研究所 医疗保健 Out-of-Pocket 支出 Panel (JPMCI HOSP) who received a tax refund in each year from 2014 to 2016. 支出 in many categories seems to increase when a tax refund payment arrives, but healthcare is special because there could be consequences to delaying it.


  • 现金流动态, 特别是退税, are a significant driver of out-of-pocket spending for healthcare. Even when consumers know with near-certainty the size and source of a major cash infusion, they still wait until the cash infusion arrives before spending.
    • 在收到退税后的一周内,医疗保健支出的总体水平比100天前的典型一周高出60%. 的 response to the cash infusion tails off after about 75 days. 在收到退税后的一周内, out-of-pocket healthcare spending on debit cards increased by 83 percent, 电子支付增长了56%. 信用卡消费没有相应的变化.
  • 现金流动态 drive when consumers receive healthcare, and not only when they pay for it. 这对于牙齿治疗来说尤其如此.
    • 在收到退税后消费更多的消费者,将这些资金不成比例地花在了可能从退税到来之前推迟的亲自医疗保健服务上.
    • Dentist and doctor visits accounted for more than half of the deferred care that would have been received earlier, 如果退税款项来得早.
    • Dentists received 32 percent of the refund-triggered additional spending, a disproportionate share. 相比之下, 在退税支付前的期间内, only 27 percent of in-person payments to service providers went to dentists.
  • 现金流动态对流动性低或没有信贷限制的消费者的医疗保健决策具有巨大的影响.
    • 在收到退税之前,支票账户余额较低或没有信用卡的账户持有人中,来自退税的现金注入引发了医疗支出的大幅增加. 我们还观察到,拥有更多流动性或获得信贷的消费者不太可能推迟医疗支出,直到他们的退税到达.

12bet官方 研究所 医疗保健 Out-of-Pocket 支出 Panel (JPMCI HOSP)于2017年9月首次建成. 资产遵循2的样本.3 million de-identified regular 追逐 customers aged 18 to 64 from January 2013 until December 2016. 的 研究所 defined out-of-pocket healthcare spending as any observed payments to healthcare providers and drugstores, 包括共同支付, 共同保险, 免赔额, 以及其他医疗服务点, 牙科, 或者毒品消费.

主要结论: Deferred Care: How Tax Refunds Enable 医疗保健 支出

  • 发现1:消费者在收到退税后的一周内立即增加了60%的自费医疗支出. 支出 remained elevated for about 75 days; during this entire period of elevated spending, consumers spent a total of 20 percent more out of pocket on healthcare than over a comparable period before the tax refund.
    • This increase is driven by two dynamics—larger healthcare payments in a typical day, and more account holders making healthcare payments in a typical day.
    • 典型的消费者花费11美元.1 percent more in a typical day during the period of elevated spending, 与退款前相比. 平均支付额的增长很大程度上是由于最大支付金额的增加(账户持有人每天花费150美元或更多)。. 退税支付产生的现金注入引发了消费者在大型医疗保健项目上的额外支出,而这些支出在退税前的现金流中是最不可能负担得起的.
    • 的 number of spenders on a typical day increased by about 7.5%.
  • 发现2:在收到退税后的一周内, out-of-pocket healthcare spending on debit cards increased by 83 percent, 电子支付增长了56%. 信用卡消费没有相应的变化. 这表明,退税提供的流动性使客户能够支付未满足的医疗保健需求或未支付的医疗保健账单.
    • 此外, 未满足的医疗保健需求似乎更大, 在总, 退税后的其他支出需求:在退税后的一周内,借记卡上的非医疗支出增加了54%(相比之下,医疗支出增加了83%).
  • 发现3:亲自支付给医疗服务提供商的费用占退税引发的额外医疗支出的62%. This indicates that the timing of a cash infusion affected when consumers received healthcare, 不仅仅是在他们支付医疗费用的时候.
    • 在账户持有人收到第一笔退税付款后的7天内,他们在服务提供商亲自付款的比例比退款前一周高出54%.
    • Remote payments to service providers were elevated by 79 percent, but off a smaller base and for a shorter period of time than in-person payments. Payments to providers of stockable healthcare goods increased by only 22 percent.
  • 发现4:退税导致消费者经常去看牙医和医生,并支付他们可能在退税前推迟支付的未付医院账单.
    • Dentists received a disproportionate share of the refund-triggered additional spending – 32 percent. 相比之下, 在退税支付之前的一段时间里,只有27%的亲自支付给服务提供者的款项是给牙医的.
    • 的 refund-triggered additional spending was less likely to go to doctors or hospitals, 分别为23%和6%, compared to 27 percent and 7 percent of spending during the pre-refund period respectively.
    • 的 remaining 39 percent went towards other healthcare services, 包括护理服务提供者, 救护车服务提供者, 医学实验室, 眼镜商, 验光师, 和按摩师. Hospitals received disproportionate share of refund-triggered remote payments to service providers (31 percent, 而在退款前,这一比例为28%).
  • 发现5:现金流动态对支票账户余额较高或在付款前拥有信用卡的消费者的自付医疗支出模式影响较小.
    • Among account holders whose average daily checking account balance was less than $536 (the lowest quintile), 在收到第一笔退税后的一周内,工作日的医疗支出比收到退税前的一周高出220%.
    • For account holders with average daily balances over $3,577(最高平衡五分位数), healthcare spending increased by only 11 percent with the cash infusion.
    • 没有信用卡的人(104%)比有信用卡的人(48%)工作日的医疗支出增长得更快。.



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